Thursday, 23 April 2009

Press Release on the Official Launch of The Consumer Awareness Campaign on 24/4/09


Date of release – 24.4.2009



Details of the Launch - Date – Friday, 24 April 2009
Time – 11.30am – 2.00pm
Venue – Concourse Level, Sungai Wang Plaza, KL.

During this current economic turbulence worldwide, Malaysia is much affected by this economic crisis. For this, it is timely that the MCA National Consumer Affairs Bureau is formalised. We are determined to be steadfast in aggressively moving forward the importance and create an impact in the consumer awareness in Malaysia.

The National MCA Consumer Affairs Bureau for the term of 2008-2011 has been formalised recently. The committee is headed by YB Tan Cheng Liang, the current MCA Wanita National Organising Secretary, MCA Central Committee and the Chairman of the Penang Post Authority. The office bearers in this National Bureau consist of respective chairman and deputy chairman of the MCA Consumer Affairs Bureau from different states within Malaysia.

The official launching of the consumer awareness campaign is the Bureau’s first event to kick start the Bureau’s nationwide roadshow in Malaysia to promote the importance of consumer awareness to the public.

In line with the spirit of Barisan Nasional. MCA being one of the main component party in BN. The launch of the consumer awareness campaign organise by the Bureau will be a multiracial event representing the harmonious values and spirit of “muhibah” in Malaysia. The campaign will be open to all races without age barrier.

One of the MCA main thrust to rejuvenate and reform the Party is to focus on current issues such as consumer affairs issues which is closely linked to economic issues, which directly affects the livelihood of many Malaysians. Currently, Malaysia is no exception to the rest of the world is facing the economic uncertainty. Malaysian businesses and consumers will be greatly affected by the economic downturn, therefore it is timely that the MCA National Consumer Affairs Bureau organise the consumer awareness campaign to provide effective advice and solutions to assist consumer in protecting their rights so that they can survive this economic downturn.

The campaign will also be a “platform” to bring together NGOS, SMEs, academics, professionals, policy makers and consumers to share their interests, concerns and experience in terms of consumerism practices in Malaysia during this economic uncertainties.

We are proud that the MCA President, Dato’ Sri Ong Tee Keat has officially launched the consumer awareness campaign. One of the VIP guest in the launch will FOMCA President, Datuk Marimuthu Nadason.

We are delighted that the Kementerian Perdagagan Dalam Negeri Dan Hal Ehwal Penggguna is participating with us today in this launch and the Ministry is playing a positive role in supporting this Bureau in its activities to promote consumerism practice in Malaysia.

As for FOMCA, we are glad that FOMCA has shown positive support to jointly collaborate with us in our activities to promote the consumer rights in Malaysia.

For the launch we would like to acknowledge that the main event sponsor is Sungai Wang Plaza who have come forward to sponsor this meaningful event.

Speech by The President MCA

I wish to thank the MCA Consumer Affairs Bureau for giving me the privilege to include a message in the Bureau’s blog.

I am pleased to be able to say a few words to the Malaysian economic players such as the manufacturers, service providers, wholesalers, retailers and consumers. Consumers are truly the foundation of any economic landscape as without consumer spending there would be little production and employment opportunities. At the moment consumers are tightening their purse strings to face the uncertain economic climate affecting Malaysia and the world. I would like to urge consumers to spend wisely and buy Malaysian made products so that the country’s import cost can be further reduced and there will be increase in the employment opportunities in the manufacturing and service based sectors in Malaysia.

I would like to appeal to the business sector to give consumers “value for money” apart from conducting their economic activities in fair, professional and ethical manner. The business sectors could help consumers by lowering the prices of goods and services which is continuing to raise due to the increase in the price of fuel and raw materials.

I would like to urge MCA Consumer Affairs Bureau and other consumer related NGOs to instil the importance of consumerism especially during this economic downturn. This will assist consumers to adjust their lifestyles to meet the challenging economic environment. Consumer education is one of the most cost effective methods to overcome economic problems in the national and World economy.

To enable the MCA Consumer Bureau and consumer related NGOs to be an active and effective platform to promote consumer education, I would urge the authorities to look into the aspect of funding consumer education and promotion at all levels starting from the municipal, state and national level.

Thank you.

Dato’ Sri Ong Tee Keat
The President of MCA

Speech by the Chairman of the MCA Consumer Affairs Bureau

I am pleased to present the MCA Consumer Affairs Bureau’s blog. The launch of this blog is timely as the current economic economic uncertainty in Malaysia is affecting many consumers and business owners. This blog represents the Bureau’s aspirations to be closer to the hearts of the public of all races and age in assisting them in issues related to consumerism. This blog will be one of the main communication tool for our Bureau to communicate to the public about current consumer issues, the Bureau’s announcements of its events and latest articles and also news related to consumerism.

The National MCA Consumer Affairs Bureau committee for the term 2008-2011 has been formalised recently. As the Chairman of the Bureau I am indeed glad that I have a group of committed team of committee members who are representatives of the MCA Consumer Bureau for all the states in Malaysia working closely with me to achieve the Bureau’s objective. The Bureau’s objective is to be one of the active voices in promoting consumer education to the general public and promote the development of consumerism in Malaysia.

To achieve the objective, one of our Bureau’s main activity will be to focus on strengthening the consumer rights by eradicating the swap and win contest. We are also organising a nationwide road show to promote consumer education to economic players such as manufacturers, service providers, wholesalers, retailers and consumers. We hope that the business owners be able to provide to the consumers goods and services which are high quality yet fair in value.

Our Bureau’s philosophy is to create a harmonious and friendly environment amongst the consumers and business sector by improving the “consumer confidence”. I believe the local goods and services providers are putting more effort and investments in producing high quality Malaysian made products and services. It will directly benefit the consumers when they purchase Malaysian goods and services which are “value for money and high in quality” at par with exported goods and services. The more consumers purchase Malaysian made products and services, the more jobs will be made available.

The Bureau is also focusing on the importance of enforcement and law. I glad that have in our Bureau we have committee members from the legal profession who will assist us in handling consumer complaints and consumer tribunal issues. Enforcement is one of the best effective means to force businesses to comply with laws, regulations and guidelines such as the Tribunal for Consumer Claims Malaysia. The tendency to act only on reports must end. There must be emphasis on preventive action.

Thank you and all the best.

MCA Consumer Affairs Bureau

For more information contact

Handphone – 019 445 7631
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Handphone – 012 203 9028
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Miss Hoo Huy Sean
Event Committee
Handphone – 012 694 9336
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